The Aviator Toy Store was created by Greg Strand and Bob Olson.
Bob has spent his career as a pilot, test pilot, and trainer on all the Boeing models. He has also flown General Aviation planes and owned a company designing winglets, fuel tanks and modifying commercial aircraft.
Greg has spent his career as an aerospace engineer, owning and operating companies that tested and built parts out of composite materials. These parts included satellites, military planes, the Space Shuttle and numerous aircraft. Greg is also a pilot, and recently moved up to flying the TBM pictured above (N700MY).
We decided to start up an on-line store to provide products for the TBM. We are starting with add-ons like prop holders, intake plugs, an on-board tug, etc. Our plan is to work into parts that may be available a bit quicker to get when needed.
Our web site is Take a look. Several products will be showing off your model number!!
We look forward to helping you enjoy flying your TBM and other aircraft.
Greg and Bob